Smashbox ~ Cover Shot: Eye Palettes (Ablaze & Golden Hour) | Limited Edition

Smashbox Cover Shot Eye Palette

After the chocolate chip-sized tantrum I had over the Too Faced White Chocolate Chip palette disappointment (review here), I was skeptical about the idea of these mini palettes being a thing. The Smashbox Cover Shot Eye Palettes demonstrate (to me) that mini palettes have a future in my own personal makeup collection.

The thing with mini palettes is that you are limited. Common sense will show you that you probably don’t want the Bold Eye one if you plan on bringing it with you as your only palette when traveling unless you actually do only wear those color schemes. However, if you don’t normally wear those types of colors but want to try them out with a higher end brand, you might want a small sized product to play around with.

It's a low level of commitment with these types of products--you either won’t use them all that often because you save them for traveling purposes, or you don’t want to commit to a full sized palette as you prefer less product in quantity. For these reasons, these palettes are perfect. Now, if you plan on using this palette every single day of the week, it may not be for you. As they are mini, you would run out of product faster than you would a palette with more product (this is why it’s only $29). For me, I think these are perfect for travel because you can build them out for a night out or take them down a notch for a more appropriate, everyday look. The mini size doesn't bother me because you do get a fair amount of product. The sizing is perfect for the travel-friendly individual or for someone who just doesn't need or prefer a full size $50 palette that takes 6 months to go through. I think the price point of $29 each accurately reflects what you are getting with these. As such, if the 2 palettes I bought came in a larger size like a Too Faced “tin” palette or the Urban Decay Ultimate Basics palette, I’d happily pay more money for more product.

Smashbox Cover Shot Eye Palette in Golden Hour

Smashbox Cover Shot Eye Palette in Ablaze

Compared to the TF WCC palette, Smashbox utilized their space in the palette in a much wiser, more strategic way. The pans fill up most of the inside of the palette so while they are close together in proximity you are not fooled into thinking that there is more product than there actually is on the inside. I’ve provided a picture showing the difference below.
Smashbox versus White Chocolate Chip
Quality-wise, these are lovely. I picked up 2 figuring I’d see how they perform and if I enjoyed them I’d pick up one or two more when they launch officially mid-December on It’s safe to say I’ll be picking up at least one other (though it might be two because I STILL can’t decide if I want the all matte or Soft Light one more). But Smoky also looks nice … gah! Help me decide plz <3

The only issue I really encountered with these is the darkest brown shade (called Darkhorse) in the Ablaze palette. While I wouldn’t call it patchy, I would say it's a little more on the dry side and as it's a dark shade, the fallout and kick up is more pronounced. The other mattes are more soft and powdery and remind me of the Lorac formula--they do have some fallout and kick up so just be mindful with your brush in the pan so as not to get product into adjacent pans.
Smashbox Cover Shot Eye Palette in Golden Hour

Smashbox Cover Shot Eye Palette in Ablaze
In my swatch pics, the only ones I did more than 1 finger swipe on my arm are the 2 darkest brown shades (1 from each palette), the 2 lightest matte shades from Golden Hour and the lightest matte shade in Ablaze (these last 2 are simply because the products are just light to begin with, not because of poor quality). The other mattes are especially pretty (I mean those middle shades in Ablaze? Come on!). The satins have lovely pigmentation; I especially love the rose gold and plum purple shade in Golden Hour and that warm orange-gold shade in Ablaze). I often apply the final layer of a satin shade with my finger on the lid to get that nice extra dose of shine and coloration, so try that and blend the edges with your brush if you want a little extra power. Obviously, use an eyeshadow primer.
Overall, I rate these as solid quality. I kind of wish they also provided a larger size though!

There are 7 palettes in this Cover Shot series, the entire collection can be viewed here
